19 September 2007

Why Gay Guys Don't Cower in Fear

Sally Field at the Emmys (I'm sure you've all seen it):

I know this is unbearably slow in response (3 WHOLE days, yeesh!), but I had to get this off my chest. For those unenlightened few, the blanked out part is:

"If mothers ruled the world, there wouldn't be any goddamn wars." Or something to that extent.

Apparently, Ms./Mrs. Field has never been to a youth sports event, a playground, a child beauty pageant, a casting-call for children, Wal-Mart the day after Thanksgiving, &c. I mean, come ON! Do we really need to bring up quotes on the terrific power of women's wrath?

Just one, then. Kickin' it old school:

"Oh woman, woman! When to ill thy mine is bent, all Hell contains no fouler fiend."
-- Homer

And some video proof:

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